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World Immunization Week (April 24-30) brings together a diverse coalition of partners to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease.

This year's theme, Vaccines Bring Us Closer, aims to tell the story of how vaccines bring us closer to good health and wellbeing for everyone around the world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the impact of disease into high-relief for many. To capture the world’s attention, we need to focus what we hope to gain from vaccination rather than what disease could cause us to lose. Vaccines have brought us closer, and will bring us closer again.


Our 2021 theme “Vaccines Bring us Closer” aims to unify health and immunization partners, organizations, and individuals around the story of how vaccines bring us closer to the moments, people and goals we care most about.

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer


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Para visitar a campanha do CDC, veja aqui.

Para visitar a campanha da UNICEF, veja aqui.